P6's Busy Week!
The P6 Blog (written by P6 pupils)
Throughout this week, we have been doing all our assessments. The first assessment we did was our maths assessment. We just took our time and made sure we understood what the question was asking us, before we worked out a solution to it. In maths and numeracy we did our daily Number Talks tasks (we had to use and name 3 or 4 different subtraction strategies to work out the subtraction problem). We also looked at budgeting this week. We had to make choices for spending money in a budget. One of the tasks was to use a budget of £2000 to design a bedroom; it was tricky, another task, was to buy groceries with a budget of £20, £10 and then £5. This became really quite difficult when we had a smaller budget, as we could not afford everything; we had to decide what groceries would be more useful.
It was lovely to see Mrs Alvarez and she helped us to revise our Spanish Numbers, up to 30, and she introduced some brilliant Spanish counting games for us to play.
In PE we looked at Athletics, we focussed on throwing skills. There were different stations and there was a different activity at each station. It was exciting too, because we got a point for every time we scored. Later in the week, we stayed focussed on Athletics, but this time it was to practise our running skills.
In Health and Wellbeing, we watched a video and then we discussed our emotions. We concluded that sometimes it is better to take a step back, calm down and get into the right zone before speaking to others; this can mean that we have better communication with each other, rather than speaking in anger.
We finished our topic, Biological Systems, and discussed our knowledge of the life cycle of mammals, plants and birds. We learned about the differences and similarities between them all.
In R.E we studied the The Wedding Feast Of Cana, we watched a short video of Jesus’ first miracle. We discussed that Our Lady played a big part in helping the family at the wedding. Later in the week, we discussed how we can ask Our Lady to intervene on our behalf, all we have to do is pray the Hail Mary and Our Lady will help us.
We also did many literacy tasks, some of these were assessments; we did a spelling, reading and writing assessment.
At the end of the week, we all took part in our Learning Participation Groups, we continued to look at the different tasks that we have chosen to undertake. We also, all brought in a book to ‘Donate for a Doughnut’, we thanked the Parent Council for the lovely treat.
It was a very busy week, but we have enjoyed our learning. Thank you for reading all about our week at Saint Nicholas, we hope you all have a lovely, long weekend.