First week back in P3 and P3/2
We are all glad to be back at school after a lovely break. Read all about our busy week below.
In literacy, we have been making predictions. We know we might not always get it correct but we should use what we see and hear to help us with our predictions. We have been learning about the difference between fact and opinion. We know facts are true and have evidence to back them up. An opinion is something we feel or think.
In numeracy, we have been learning about fractions. This week we learned about halves. We know how to find half of a shape or number. We have also been doing some esti mystery challenges were we need to estimate what we think we can see then we get clues to help us with our answers.
In health and wellbeing, we have been talking about trusted adults. We updated our trusted adults so that we know who we can speak to in school if we have any worries. We also talked about who is in our ‘backup team’. We know we can have people from our family, friends and clubs we go to. We also made a worry box and calm corner in our classroom for us to use.
Our new topic is the Egyptians. We talked about what we know and what we would like to learn. We can’t wait to learn all about the Egyptians.
In art, we used cotton buds to create a cherry blossom tree. They look beautiful as we used different shades of pink.
In PE, we have been playing dodge ball and eliminator and started some races as we are doing athletics this term. In Music, we were singing a song about categories. We were learning about rhythms and using our body to make sounds.