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Primary 3 and 3/2.

Lets hear a bit about our learning this week!

On Monday we had our outdoor learning lesson. We planted sweet peas in pots with soil or cotton wool. We are going to see which grows the fastest.

In numeracy this week we have been counting by 5s and 10s. We have been learning our multiples of 5’s and 10’s. We have been learning different strategies to do this; arrays, number line jumps, making groups, and more.

In literacy this week we practiced our spelling words, handwriting, and reading.

In PE this week we were playing dodgeball and hoola hooping.

In IT this week we learnt how to make PowerPoints. We learnt how to add a title, pictures, choose a design, create a new slide, and then save it.

We did a fun Art lesson called still life. We used different materials; paint, chalk, and pencils.

In music we learnt about high notes and low notes.


From P3 and 3/2.

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