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Primary One's Fabulous Fortnight.

Wardley CE Primary School: Welcome to Year 2

We have had a great couple of weeks at school and learnt lots!


We have been learning how to write and recognise more of the capital letters. We know that these have an important job to do and appear in our names, the names of places, months and days of the week AND at the beginning of a sentence. We have started a new weekly job, ‘Our News’ and are doing really well writing about our weekend. We have also been using our imaginations to write stories titled, ‘The Talking Cat’ and ‘The Sad Fish’. Our teachers are so proud of our efforts!

In our reading books we have been noticing more and more that some sentences end not with a full stop but with an exclamation mark or a question mark. When we see these we are learning to make our voices change. Our teachers have told us that this is called reading with expression. We think that this is clever!


We have been learning how to interpret bar charts and pictograms and have practised counting objects using tally marks. We have also been using rekenreks, numicon and cubes to find ways to make 10. We love using the bits and pieces in our classes to help us.


We have been learning that God wants us to use our gifts and talents to help others and that Sunday is a special day, a day to relax, go to Church and spend special time with our families.


We have been learning all about road safety with the help of Ziggy. We have learnt that there are special rules that we need to remember when we cross the road. We must, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. We have also moved on to a new topic that we will be learning about over the next few weeks, ‘Under the Sea’. We will be learning all about lots of sea creatures, their habitats and what we can do look after our seas.

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