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A Fun and Fantastic Week in Nursery!

It’s been a fun, fast and fantastic week at St Nicholas nursery with lots of quality learning taking place.  The children have all settled back in amazingly well and our new little children are making the most of their nursery experience.  Everyone is doing great at establishing and following nursery routines.  Following on from last week the children have enjoyed continuing with the lots of chat about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  In order to extend the children’s learning further we have had lots of interesting discussion about bears, which has been lots of fun and most enjoyable.  Following on from some group discussion the children were eager to make their own little bears.    They loved taking part in a little transient art activity which involved using various art and craft materials to make a bears face.  The children found this activity very enjoyable which involved developing concentration as well as expressing their creativity.  The children have also engaged well with a little literacy activity which involved using the letter pebbles to make the word ‘bear’.  It’s been fantastic to see the children match and become familiar with the letter sounds.  The children have also enjoyed listening to a wide range of Bear stories, they have listened well and have loved sharing their thoughts and feelings, which has been lovely to hear.  As a little extension of this we decided it would be a great idea to sample some of the snacks that were in the stories we listened to.  I think it’s fair to say this went down a treat.  The children loved sampling porridge with various toppings as well as pancakes and honey.  Some of the children have even used large bricks to build a house and the bear’s beds.  They have been comparing sizes and have used a good range of mathematical language to describe their work.  They have also enjoyed drawing pictures of bears which are displayed in our art gallery alongside there wonderful writing.  It has been fantastic to see this topic develop and the children extend their own learning.


The children have also had the opportunity to celebrate Burns Day, we have all participated in Scottish Highland dancing, sampled Scottish food such as Haggis, neeps and tatties, homemade Scotch broth as well as oatcakes and cheese.  The children have embraced all things Scottish and it has been great to see them engage with lots of Scottish activities in order to learn about their Scottish culture.  It has certainly been a jam packed week of fun and lots and quality learning and interactions.  Our children have all been fabulous, they are all super little learners.  Great work everyone and very well done.


Here are a few pictures of what has been taking place in nursery this week.


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