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We had a great week!

We had a great week! Our new topic is fantastic! ‘Scotland’. Read on to find out what else we have been up to.


As well as revising lots of sounds previously taught, we learnt two new sounds this week: ‘oy’ e.g.(boy, toy, enjoy) and ‘ow’ e.g.(bow, row, show). Both of these sounds appear in lots of words, (as we found out)! Now that we have a bank of sounds in our heads, we are writing more and more each day and using our knowledge of these sounds to help us to sound out words when we are reading too. We are becoming more confident at writing independently and giving writing a go. Our teachers are VERY proud of us all ( like always)!


We have been practising how to tell the time using o’clock and half past, which we are becoming really good at. We also learn about digital clocks, we know that half-past finishes with -:30) and o clock finishes with-:00).  We have also been practising subtraction using the number line and the Rekenrek.

Health and Wellbeing

We continue to learn how to skip in P.E. and again, it was easier for some of us than others. Skipping is really good as it helps with balance, jumping and coordination and it is fun!


Scotland- Woohoo!!! ‘Rabbie’ Burn’s day was on the 25th of January of course; so on this day, we had a great time tasting Scottish foods (Shortbread, oatcakes, Irn-Bru). We learned some dance steps, sang songs, and designed our own tartan kilts and Scottish flags.


We were learning that God invites us to show love to others. We know that God loves everybody and He wants us to love others. We know that we can show love by being kind and showing respect to our families and friends. It is good also to share our toys, help out at home, take care of other people’s property and have good manners.

Thank you for reading our blog, have a nice weekend.

Primary 1.


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