Another busy week in P3 and P3/2
We have been working hard in P3 and P3/2 this week. Read all about our learning.
Maths and Numeracy
We have been learning about time and looking at digital and analogue clocks and saying the right time we were looking at half past and o’clock. We have played time games on the ipads and matching games. We played a board game all about time too which helped us see the time on an analogue and digital clock
We read the story Pezzettino and created creatures using blocks and squares. We had to use fractions when colouring the creatures.
We have continued with Sun moon and stars . We know the moon spins around us and we spin around the sun. The moon takes one month to go around the earth, the earth takes one day to spin round. The earth and moon take one year to spin round the sun.
We worked on our class novel The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark; we made predictions about what we thought might happen in Chapter Two. We also created questions to ask our partner about what chapter 2 was all about. We have continued to learn about cursive script in handwriting. We also picked new Accelerated reader books.
In P.E we were skipping with ropes. It was tricky but fun.
This week we were learning about belonging. We belong in the school community, the church community, in our families.
Outdoor learning
We made bird feeders and hung them outside with bird food in them so that we can see the local wildlife.
Health and Wellbeing:
We checked our trusted adults in health and wellbeing. We were also learning about resilience and about trying again after making a mistake. We were also talking about our zones of regulation and how we can feel different feelings throughout the day.
We added trees to our warm and cool colour landscapes using black oil pastels. They look fantastic.