New Year and a New Term in P2
We started our week with a couple of assessments to check our growth in learning.
Literacy – This week we were learning about the sound -y at the end of a word. We were sequencing a narrative story which will be our focus in writing for the next few weeks.
Numeracy – We used rekenreks to help us to find the answers quickly to subtraction sums within 20. We are learning about time. We were thinking about sequencing our day and worked as a team to put events in our day in the correct order.
Science – Our focus is the Sun and the Moon. We learned some fascinating facts about the size of the sun and that it is a star made from gas.
RERC – This week we learned from the Gospel of Luke what happened to Jesus when he visited Jerusalem as a young boy. We looked at the locations of Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Nazareth today and compared them to how they would have looked when Jesus was a boy.
Expressive Arts – Our drama task this week was to prepare for a journey to Space and we worked together to make a space rocket. Our art focus was on the artist Paul Cezanne and we used charcoal and watercolours to re-create a still life painting in his style.
Spanish – We were learning how to say ‘I like …’ in Spanish. We have been responding to the register in Spanish and try to say our tray colour at school lunch in Spanish too.
STEM – We had fun working as a team to create a bridge and a boat that the Gingerbread Man could use to keep himself safe as he crossed the river. There were some fabulous design ideas and that Gingerbread Man was even spoiled with a boat that had a hot tub onboard !