Primary 1's Week of Learning (14.1.22)
We are pleased to be back at school and have had a super week! We have been revising some of our trickier sounds (ai, oa, sh, ch etc.) and using them to write short sentences. Our teachers are very impressed that we can do this, remembering to use finger spaces and full stops. Wow! We have been reading our new books at home and in school, and we are noticing our sight words in the stories.
In Numeracy, we have been learning to count forwards and backwards to 30, and have had a go at writing the numbers between 21 and 30. We can use tools such as Rekenreks and Numicon to build numbers to 20 and add to 10, or more. Some of us can now do this independently. We are successful and confident learners!
We have also enjoyed some Science this week, learning about day & night. We learned that the Earth moves around the sun, and when we have daylight, other parts of the world are sleeping. We used a torch and a globe as an experiment to show this before we went outside to create chalk drawings. You can see some photos of our drawings below.
In Music, we have been listening to Scottish tunes and practising keeping the beat with different percussion instruments. We are looking forward to learning more about Scotland and our culture over the next couple of weeks with our teachers.