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P6 Start the New Term With a Bang! w.b. 10.01.22

Primary Six have begun the new year and the new term with a bang! Keep reading to see more of what we have learned this week.

  • Maths- We have been learning to multiply and divide numbers by 10,100 and 1000. We discovered that the number of zeros in the number we divide and multiply by gives us a clue about how many places the digits in our numbers move to the left and right. We enjoyed completing active games to apply our knowledge and skills.
  • Literacy- This week we have completed active spelling tasks to help us learn our new –gh pattern. We enjoyed completing a Scots word challenge on Wednesday where we worked in pairs to guess the meaning of some Scots words, we will then use this as our glossary to help us complete some Scots Writing next week. In Grammar, we have been revising the use of commas, both in a list and to add extra information to our sentences. We have also continued to practise our cursive script.
  • H&WB- We have continued our Zones of Regulation learning and this week we created a line graph to help us plot our Zones throughout one day. This was useful for us to reflect on our feelings and we then had a discussion as to why we felt like we were in a certain zone at a given time. Most of us started in the blue zone as we feel tired when we first get to school! In PE, we have been working on fitness, completing the Daily Mile as well as completing a range of circuits with equipment and body movements- we have really enjoyed this!
  • RERC- We have been learning about sacrifices that people from the Bible have made and reflected on sacrifices we may have made in our own lives. This links us to our learning in the Pope Francis Faith Award where we have been learning about the Gift of Piety.
  • Social Studies- This week we started our new topic, ‘Exploring Europe’, we have focused on the geography of the continent this week. We were set a challenge to plot key countries on a map which we found challenging. We had brilliant fun completing a Kahoot! quiz to identify countries of Europe on a map.
  • Science- We have begun to look at our new block on Light. We watched a video to give us an overview of our new topic and created a KWL grid in our jotters which helped us to have a say in what we want to learn, what we already know and activities we would like to do to aid our learning.
  • Expressive Arts- In Art, we have been learning about textiles. We have been focusing on tartan and have learned about its history, what materials the fabric is made from and then we used our knowledge of shape, colour and pattern to design our own tartan. Some of us used our research skills to see if our families already had a tartan and we had a go at recreating that instead.
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