A Busy but Fun Week in P6
Our Blog this week was constructed by two of our pupils, well done for such an informative report P6!
On Monday we had a PE lesson- Badminton and we learned how to serve.
We also learned about probability. We learned how likely it is for an event to happen (or not!).
We also looked at Literacy Circle skills and Creative Connectors throughout the week . On Tuesday we used the Isac 9 boxes with Mrs Heather to develop our problem solving skills. There was also a challenge on Sum-Dog that most people completed, we really enjoyed it because it was varied and really challenging.
The whole of P6 had a hymn practice, to prepare for the Pope Francis Faith Award, Father Jeremy came in and blessed our books, wrist bands and sticky notes. It was very moving.
On Wednesday we did Art. We looked at the Artwork of the Artist Peter Thorpe and then we created our own art based on what we had learned. We used oil pastels to create an abstract background then we drew and placed a rocket onto our art piece!
All week we have been looking at the success criteria for writing a good informative report. We then prepared for our writing by planning what we were going to report on – this week we were reporting on a planet within our Solar System. It was a planet of our own choice.
We also did PE with our teachers we played Grannies and Grandads and Shark Attack.
On Friday we started our Pupil Parliament groups, this is were we get to use our pupil voice to help our school get even better.