A Very Busy but Fun Week in P6
This week’s Blog was written by two of our P6 pupils, well done you two!
Blog about our week
On Monday we did science we learned about air resistance and we made a parachute we also learnt about Saints. A particular Saint can become special to us and when we need guidance or help we can pray to that Saint and ask them for their help. We also did some grammar too, we were looking at prepositions. We started looking at divisibility tests in maths. We carried out tasks that required us to test a number to see if it could be divided by 2, 4 and 8.
On Tuesday we did tennis in P.E. it was so much fun. We also did literacy circles, this is where we take a close look at the text in our novels. We then do activities that help us create, evaluate, analyse, apply, understand and remember, this really helps us in our own writing too. We did maths, again we used the divisibility tests to see if a number could be divided by 5 or 10.
On Wednesday we looked at the divisibility tests for dividing by 3, 6 and 9 and then played some games to try out the new tests we had just learned. Then it was time for handwriting, this is where we get to practise writing in cursive. Later, we had a musical appreciation activity. We listened to music and then we drew an art piece, our art was inspired from the music.
On Thursday we played games in maths that used our divisibility tests knowledge. We also made posters that will be put together to make a booklet, so that we can always check on the divisibility tests when we need to use them. In writing, we looked at writing a recount and once again we studied the proper layout that we should use. We know that a recount should have a title, orientation, sequenced events and a personal statement at the end. Finally we looked at numbers in Spanish and then went outside to play some P.E games, it was very fun.
On Friday we looked at the pilgrimage of St. Columbus and then we tried to locate important parts of St Columbus’ journey on a map of Scotland. We had Build-Up Time and then we settled to listen to our School Assembly, it was all about catholic week, which is next week.
Thank you for reading about our week.