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Autumn Splendour


This week the children have engaged amazingly with our Autumn Topic.  There has been lots of discussion about observations they have made.  It has been lovely to see the children bring in lots of different Autumnal pieces they have collected.  We decided to make a little sorting and matching area.  The children have been amazing at sorting all the autumn pieces out and putting them into little baskets.  They have also been using the magnifying glasses to take a closer look.  There has been lots of quality discussions about texture, shape, size and colour.  The learning opportunities with this have been endless, covering all curricular areas.  We also set up a little transient art activity for the children so they could use the autumnal pieces in a creative way.  I think you will all agree the children’s art work is beautiful.  This activity allowed the children to explore shape, space, pattern, positioning and texture.  There has also been lots of discussion about Fireworks night and as a result the children have been learning how to keep themselves safe.  They have enjoyed a range of stories and have made some amazing firework pictures in the art and craft area. The children have also noticed how dark it is outside.  This led to lots of discussion about how we need the lights on in order for us to see.  To  develop the children’s learning further we decided to go outside just to see how dark it was.  We all agreed it was very dark.  This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to use the torches.  They had lots of fun and explored different areas of the garden using the torches.   It certainly has been another busy, fun filled week at St Nicholas ELC with lots of quality learning and interactions.  Well done everyone!










“I’ve used conquers and leaves to make my picture”

“The leaf has brown spots on it”

“This feels jaggy”

“My daddy lights the fireworks”

“I need to stand back to be safe”

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