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Primary 1's Week - Week 9.



Last week was very exciting ! What did we do ?


We learnt two new sounds this week, f and b.  We had lots fun engaging in play activities including : making fans, fish, making flower soup, having a bear picnic and designing bags.  We are looking forward to learning 3 sounds next week as we are doing so well!


We learnt all about symmetry this week. We used mirrors on shapes that had been cut in half and thought it was cool that the mirror showed the other half of the picture. We also played a super game online which helped us to match the other halves of pictures.


We had a super surprise this week! We received a package from Professor Alexander.  In the package was an egg and dinosaurs to play with! We do not know what is in the egg yet but we under strict instructions to look after it. We will be spending the next few weeks learning all about dinosaurs which we are so excited about!


We have been learning that the month of October is a special month as we pray especially hard to Our Lady.  We have been learning her special prayer, the Hail Mary.  To honour her we made paper flowers which we have displayed on our altar


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