P6's Busy Week! w.b. 27.09.21
Maths- In maths we have been learning about rounding to 5 digits. We enjoyed playing a game of ‘High 5’ to practise the rounding rule. We used our estimation skills to solve the answers to 3 digit multiplied by two digit numbers then used a calculator to solve the answer. We also played noughts and crosses and we worked in trios to round numbers. In Number Talks, we revised the doubles and near doubles strategy.
Literacy- We chose our Accelerated Reader books this week and enjoyed reading these when we completed our Literacy tasks. We completed a Reciprocal Reading task with our group based on our homework chapters. For Writing, we created our own imaginative stories about Moses and the Israelites travelling to the Promised Land.
HWB- In PE, we have begun our hockey skills block, we worked at different stations to practise our dribbling and really enjoyed this! We also worked on our basketball skills with Miss Melrose. We also completed our Learners’ Statement this week.
Topic- We began to look at our new Space topic. We watched some videos about planets, we learned the order of the planets and their sizes- we really enjoyed watching a video that compared the sizes of the planets and the stars.
RERC- We have been reflecting on why we sing hymns. We had to look up Bible passages and complete the missing sentences to help us see the links to singing and praising God throughout the Bible.
Art- We are beginning to prepare for our assembly and have created some artwork linked to the lives of Moses and the Israelites for this.
Spanish- We have been learning the vocabulary for our family. We then had a go at creating a family tree using our vocabulary that we have learned. We enjoyed this but it was a bit challenging to work out where to place some of our family members!