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Primary One's Week - Week 6.

It has been a short week but a very busy and enjoyable one !

What have we been up to?


We went over all of the sounds that we have been taught so far.  These include: s,a,t,p,i,n,m and c.  We used these sounds to read AND write words.    Our teachers are  very proud of us.


We looked at patterns and how they are everywhere! Our socks, dinner dishes, school tie  are good examples of patterns,  We made our own patterns using colours, size and shapes.  This was good fun.

Health and Wellbeing

We have continued to ‘check in’ each day in all of the classes.  We enjoy placing our name pegs and stones beside the emotion baskets as it lets our teachers know how we are feeling.

Religious Education

We learnt all that God gave us 5 senses to help us to make sense of the world.  We went on a senses walk around our playground which helped us with our daily mile.  We used our senses of sight and hearing to spot the beautiful leaves that are lying in our playground just now and listened to the crunch sound that was made as we stood on them.

We are in the middle of making autumnal pictures.  We will share pictures of these once they are finished.

Bye for now everyone!
Primary 1 and Primary 1 teachers.

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