This Week in P6
The P6 Blog was written by two of our pupils! Great job you two!
Hello this is the p6 blog on what we have done this week!
In the morning we were finishing unfinished work when we entered class.
Next we were writing our spelling words three times and writing three sentences with our words in the sentences.
On Wednesday we had a template of a line graph based on a story called Less than zero. The graph was called saving clams for a scooter and we had to follow what the penguin had on his graph
We had break milk, story and Newsround. The story was based on the book called wonder and that is linked to our kindness topic for literacy.
We did a comprehension on the song A Cover is Not a Book which really meant not to judge somebody of how they look. P6 were discussing about questions on a comprehension sheet.
After lunch we did self-portraits and we drew lines around it to decorate in between the lines and add precepts. ( precepts really are sayings and rules of life)
And then it was home time.
We come in school and finish more of our unfinished work.
After that we did an apostrophes work sheet where you had to put the apostrophe in the correct place.
After that it was break and we had milk, story and Newsround.
Then we make our own line graphs and follow how many clams ( which is really money ) Perry penguin had.
After lunch we did a bit of bible studies on Moses.
We played some P.E games with the other class like grannies and Grandads,shark attack and saucers and tea cups.
We did unfinished work, we had a bit of build up time!
We also wrote our own prayers on paper stars and put them on our prayer wall.
Then we have break, milk and Newsround
We have assembly and more build up time then it is home time.
That was our short week thank you for reading our Blog!