A Busy But Fun Week in P6! w.b. 13.09.21
P6 have had a great week with lots of new learning and activities. Keep reading to find out more.
- Maths- We have been learning about negative numbers. We know that the further away a negative digit is from zero, the less value it has. We have learned about negative numbers through a worksheet comparing two numbers and finding the difference between them. We also enjoyed playing games with our maths groups to learn from each other. In Number Talks, we have been learning to use the friendly number strategy.
- Literacy- We completed a comprehension task on internet safety this week, we marked a peer’s work and gave them feedback on how they can improve. We then looked at and created posters about internet safety. We have been learning about similes and metaphors this week, creating some of our own.
- HWB- We have completed our Leadership sessions with Ross, our Active Schools’ Co-Ordinator. We enjoyed these a lot! We have completed the Daily Mile this week which we are enjoying taking part in. With Mr Muldoon, we have been working on our basketball skills. We put our leadership skills into action yesterday, helping P1-7 in the hula hut competition.
- RERC- We have been learning about Moses and the Israelites, we created a timeline about Moses’ life and we discussed the ways that God communicated with Moses. We wrote parayers asking God to always be with us.
- Expressive Arts- We linked our art to our class novel, ‘Wonder’. We first drew a self-portrait in pen, in the style of the front cover. In the background, we wrote precepts, which we have heard in the novel, we then coloured these in bright colours.
- Science- We started of Space this week, we thought of what we already know, what we want to learn and how we want to learn about space. We wrote these on post-its which we have displayed in the classroom.