Good start in P3 and P3/2
P3 and P3/2 are off to a great start this year. We have been working very hard. Keep reading to find out what we have been learning.
In Numeracy, we have been learning about different ways to show a number – we can use numicon, rekenreks, tens frames, coins etc. We have been playing lots of different number games. We also revised odd and even numbers. We know even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
In Literacy, we have started reading Fantastic Mr Fox. We have been drawing a character description of Boggis, Bunce and Bean. We also completed a ‘picture it’ for the setting of Mr Fox’s house. We have also completed some spelling and reading checks to see what we can remember from before the summer holidays.
In HWB, we have completed our check in and selected our trusted adults in school and at home. We also revised SHANARRI indicators and what they all mean. We know they are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Responsible, Respected and Included. We have also thought about our hopes and dreams for this term.
We have also made our class charter. P3 selected the theme of animals and P3/2 selected Minecraft. We have revised our rights as a child.
In RERC, we have read the story of Noah’ Ark and created pictures of the animals. We have also thought about how Father Jeremy is like the Good shepherd and looks after us. We drew pictures of Father Jeremy. We also created prayers for the year ahead.
In PE, we were playing games and learning to work together.
In Art, we created a self portrait to decorate our classroom doors so that everyone knows who is in our classroom.
We also created a welcome poster for anyone who is new to the school. We told them about the school rules, where things are and what they need to wear to school.
We have enjoyed our first two weeks back at school and we are working hard.