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Nursery News



We would like to say a huge congratulations to Miss Malone on becoming a published Author. She has recently had her first book “Nigel the Naughty broomstick” published and our children love it!!! We are so luck to have such a talented member of staff in our nursery.


Summer Holidays

The nursery will be open throughout the summer holidays as normal. If your child won’t be attending can you please let a member of staff know.

Pre – school Leavers

Unfortunately we haven’t been able to have a Leavers Assembly this year so we have put together a Graduation sway to share with our pre-school children . The sway will be sent out v ia email to all our pre-school parents . We want to wish  them all  good luck as they start their journey to P1.Mrs Nicoll will be leaving us during the summer holidays. We want to wish her luck and happiness for the future and are going to miss her very much.


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