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Lots of work in P3/2

In Literacy,  we have been learning about the features of an information report. We know that an information report needs a title, general statement, a description and an evaluative statement at the end.  In Grammar, we have been learning about irregular past tense verbs. We know that you cannot just add ‘ed’ to the end of these verbs. An example would be swim and swam.  We are continuing to learn how to form our cursive script.
In Maths, we finished our money topic this week, rounding off by learning to use an empty number line to calculate change. We also created some money posters to show what we have learned about coins and change. We have started to learn about rounding to the nearest 10. We know that if the number has a 1,2,3,4 in the ones column we round down to the ten before the number and if there is a 5,6,7,8,9 in the ones column we round up to the next tens number. We enjoyed playing lots of rounding games such as bingo.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have continued to learn about regulation strategies which is the yellow cog. We thought about our worries (triggers – the blue cog) this week and chose a regulation strategy that we could use when we feel these worries.  We know that we can have big and small worries and we can think of different strategies to help us with these worries.

In RERC, we have learned about Pentecost. We know this is when the Holy Spirit came to the Disciples and blessed them with the gift of speaking all languages to share the good news of Jesus. We know that the disciples then spread the good news around the world.

In PE, we were playing team games to try to earn points.

In Social Studies, we have continued our learning on climate zones, focusing on the Mediterranean climate. We know about the countries, weather, food and languages that are spoken in this climate. We made tourism posters to advertise holidays in this climate. We also look at animals that live in the temperate zone and we tried to draw a picture of a hawk.

In Science, we have started a new topic about Energy. This week we have created a mindmap to show our understanding of the different types of energy we have in our world. We know energy makes things happen.

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