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Busy week in P2....

This week we were learning about division – we used concrete materials, games and Number Talk strategies to help us consolidate knowledge better – we also revised our previous maths knowledge.

In literacy, we wrote special friendship recipes (e.g. add a pinch of compliments, a big dollop of smiles, one cup of understanding and 2 tablespoons of care and support. Mix them all together in your heart) and on Monday we wrote our weekend news. We loved learning some Scottish words! Here are some that we learned; auld – old, bonnie – beautiful, braw – good and wheesht – quiet – that’s Mrs Koziel’s favourite word because she uses it a lot.

To prepare for the challenges of P3, we have been working extra – hard on our handwriting.

Since yesterday was Ascension Day, we have learned all about it. Pope Francis has asked for all of us to pray for the end of the pandemic, so we were praying to our Lady using the prayer ‘Hail Mary’.

To help us improve our Spanish, we have learned to say ‘a Home–packed lunch, please’ it’s: ‘La tartera, por favor’, when we order our lunches at school. Of course, we still practise the days of the week and colours in Spanish, also.

Our Sunflower is growing beautifully too! Their growth was recorded in our ‘Sunflower diary’.


Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs Koziel





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