A Flying Start to the New Term in P3!
P3a have had a great first week back at school after our Easter holidays. Have a look at what we have learned.
Maths: We have been learning all about Area. We know that area is the space a shape covers. We estimated the area of some places in our classroom and we drew some shapes to find the area. We know to count the squares that the shape covers and then use cm2 to label our answers.
Literacy: In Writing, we have been looking at Narratives. We know the structure of a narrative and we have used this to help us write a plan for our story. We had a go at writing a story about a lost pet. We have been learning all about fact and opinion and we know the difference between them.
HWB: We have been learning about self-regulation and coming up with our own calm down strategies when our emotions don’t feel so good.
Social Studies: We started our new topic ‘Climate Zones’ and completed a KWL grid about what we already know, what we want to learn and how we would like to learn about climate zones.
RERC: We have been learning about Jesus’ Resurrection. We listened to the story from the Bible and discussed it.
Expressive Arts: We have learned an artist called Romero Britto. We know he uses bright colours and patterns in his work. We enjoyed recreating his style in a lovely Spring picture.