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P7 Blog Week Beginning 22nd March

P7B’s week
In literacy this week we have been working on techniques for our biographies on famous people of our choice. After we did our biography we self-assessed our work.
In maths we did mixed numbers, improper fractions and factors.
In number talks we were doing three subtraction sums and naming our most efficient strategy and why it was most efficient.
We did some ultimate multiplication times tables challenge with lots of sums on them
We did simplifying fractions and a worksheet where you had to use common factors to simplify
Health and Wellbeing
In Health and Wellbeing we designed our own roller-coasters with sticks and things we found outside which signified our ups and downs in life.
We also made worry monsters. Worry monsters are used to tell you that if you get talk to others about your worry it’ll shrink and shrink until it disappears.
In R.E we wrote the Our Father prayer and decorated it beautifully. We also wrote our own personal prayers about whatever we wanted. We did a mind-map on how you can offer service in your family, your school and your community.

Rights respecting school
We are currently working on some articles: article 6, article 12 and article 24 and created poster on earth hour which is celebrated on the 26th of March where you have to turn your lights off from 8:30 – 9:30.

We are also working on one global goal: ZERO HUNGER. We answered questions to find out more about what charities where doing about this. We wrote about what we could do in our local community, at school and at home.

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