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Busy time in P2....

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost the end of term! It flew by so fast. In Maths we were recently learning about…

-Calculating area in cm2 and m2.

– ‘The splitting strategy’ by adding and subtracting.

– We also learned about fractions

E.g., ½ ¼ ¾ etc…

-and we revised our other maths skills we learned before.

In Literacy, we learned about Narrative writing. We now know that we need;

-A title

– Orientation


– a resolution

-And Pictures!

We then planned out our writing and later wrote our stories about ‘The Little Duck’.

For our Sustainable Development Goals, we had an amazing idea to create a robot that gathers used plastic and makes them into toys!

Also, recently everyone saw our assembly about St Patrick, and we’re proud to say that it was a huge success!

For digital learning, we learned how to use Chatterbox by making funny talking pictures!

 We are finishing our topic about schools in the past – and after what we learned, we can say that we prefer to present schools much more!

Lastly, in science, we were learning about Living and Non-living things.


Have a lovely weekend everyone,


Mrs Koziel



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