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Primary 5's Week

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P5 have worked well again this week.  What did we get up to?

Literacy – In literacy our spelling this week focussed on ci words. We learnt that sometimes, ‘ci’ makes the ‘si’ sound. We also learnt about suffixes and learnt some rules for adding suffixes to the ends of words.  We focussed on imaginative writing and are in the process of planning and writing a story.  Watch this space!

Numeracy –  We recapped the layout and practised dividing 3 and 4 digit numbers using the short division method.  We also looked at equivalent fractions and learnt that to find equivalent fractions, what you do to the top number you must do to the bottom.

Spanish – We learnt how to talk about the weather this week and pets.  We played a variety of games and sang to help us with this.  It was so nice to be able to say ‘Hace calor’ for one of the days this week instead of ‘Hace frio!’

R.E – Lent continued to be our focus this week. We all have a picture of a stained glass window in our house and every time we do something kind we colour in a part of the window.  By the time Lent finishes we hope to have each part filled in.

Topic – We learnt how the Titanic was constructed and about the materials that were used.  It was really interesting to see where the first and second class passengers slept and the grandeur of the ship.  What a beauty!

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