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Primary 5's Week!

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P5 have worked well again this week.  Here is an overview of it!

Literacy – In literacy we learnt other spelling rules for making words plural and practised our sets of words using a variety of methods including:  rainbow writing and bubble writing and we also looked for hidden words within words which, is a great strategy for helping us to remember some of the trickier words.  We continued to hone our skills in persuasive writing and researched different persuasive skills that writers use. We also recapped the different uses of the homophones ‘their’ and ‘there’.

Numeracy – We learnt how to calculate durations of time and continued with multiplication.  and used our knowledge of the number talks strategy, ‘partial products’ to help us to solve more multiplication calculations.

Health and Wellbeing – We spent this week focussing upon tasks for mental health.  We know how important it is to look after our mental health and had some great discussions throughout the week sharing strategies for keeping ourselves healthy.

R.E – We learnt about Saint Teresa, a lady who could inspire us all! We learnt about her life and how she dedicated herself to the poor.

Topic – We continued with our topic, ‘Body Systems with the main focus being on the respiratory system.  We made a set of lungs and learnt where they they are in the body and of the importance of looking after them.

STEM – To round off the week we were given another super STEM activity to work on, ‘The Catapult Challenge’.  Through making one we learnt what potential and kinetic energies are and learnt all about the projectile of an object.


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