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Primary 5's Round up.

Another a busy week in P5!   Lots of engagement across the class with super work being produced!

Literacy – In literacy we were learning how to make words plural, how to write contractions and we learnt some persuasive techniques that can be used in our writing. We created awesome adverts for a product of our choice using a variety of methods including IMovie and and Sway. We used some persuasive techniques that advertisers use to engage the consumer and had lots of fun whilst creating these.

Numeracy – We moved on to the written formal method for multiplication and learn how to read and convert 24 hour times. We used our fantastic knowledge of different number talks strategies to complete a solve a variety of different calculations.

Health and Wellbeing – We spent this week focussing upon our talents and it goes without saying, P5 are definitely a talented bunch!  Some of us are very sporty, others are musical, some of us are entertainers and lots of us are very creative!

R.E – For R.E we focussed upon a really important quality, ‘Kindness’.  We shared ideas on what we can do to spread kindness and took time out of one of our afternoons to do a random act of kindness for our parents and teachers.

Free Pictures Of Kids Working Together, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip  Art on Clipart LibraryTopic – We continued with our topic, ‘Body Systems’.  It is fascinating to learn that parts of your body are linked and won’t work properly unless other parts are healthy! We are focussing on the respiratory system now and will continue with this next week.

STEM – To round off the week we were given a STEM activity to work on which involved making bubbles. STEM activities are great because they make you look at the world in a different way and they involved us using maths, science and technology skills.  And there we have it, another great week in  P5!

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