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Primary 5's roundup!

Home Learning - The Michael Syddall C of E VA Primary School


It has been a busy week in P5! We were given lots of work to complete and learnt lots of new things via a mixture of live lessons and recorded lessons and have worked really well! A big round of applause to P5 for engaging well and working hard.

Literacy – In literacy we were given new sets of words to learn and practised these using a variety of methods.  We learnt about the correct using of the homophones, ‘to’, ‘too’ and ‘two’ and all about inference in reading.

Numeracy – We completed lots of multiplication sums using the grid method and used our knowledge of Number Talks strategies to solve even more calculations!

Health and Wellbeing – We spent our week focussing upon our goals and past achievements.  We set new goals for ourselves and planned the steps we need to take to achieve this.

R.E – We researched some of Jesus’ miracles and wrote about them. Favourites included: Jesus turning water into wine and the five loaves and two fishes miracles.

Topic – We moved on to a new topic, ‘Body Systems’ and have made start learning about the circulatory system and more specifically, the heart.  We made sways, PowerPoints and fact files about the heart and drew and labelled it.

Other curricular areas – We followed step by step instructions on how to draw a winter village, the work produced was excellent! We did some yoga, (very good for mindfulness) and learnt about the great Scottish designer, Charles Rennie Mackintosh.  We presented our learning in a variety of ways and impressed our teachers no end.  WELL DONE P5!  Mrs Kilpatrick and I are proud, keep it up!


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