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This week we were learning about:


  • In literacy we were upskilling our description story, we tried to use different openers for each sentence. We also remembered about our capital letters, fingers spaces, full stops and adjectives. We were also practising our handwriting.
  • We were learning how to write a proper letter, on this occasion we wrote a letter to Santa. We hope he appreciated our letters. We tried our best!
  • We were practising our common words: live, back, give, things, our etc.
  • In Maths we did the maths test and our teacher was very pleased with our scores. Also, we were learning how to figure our missing addends and we were still improving our knowledge about reading the time (quarter past and a quarter to).
  • We had fun whilst doing Christmas Art which was very nice. We loved it!
  • In RE we were learning about Mary as 8.12 is the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
  • We had also lots of fun in outdoor learning. We were practising our common words and we expressed ourselves by making art using the resources which we found outside.
  • We have learnt how to say Merry Christmas everyone in Spanish. Feliz Navidad Adornos!


Just one week to go!


Have a nice weekend,


Mrs Koziel

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