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Another great week in Primary 1a, 1b and 2/1

We have all had another fun and busy week in Primary 1 and Primary 2/1. Here are some of the things we have enjoyed:

In Literacy, we learned the sounds ‘v’, ‘g’ and ‘z’. We also practised blending sounds together to read and write words – we are getting really good at this! We wrote a recount of a story called ‘The Bird and the Cat’ and some of us in Primary 2 tried our best to write short sentences with finger spaces. Wow!

In Maths we practised putting the days of the week in order. We know that we don’t come to school on Saturdays and Sundays as this is the weekend. We also learned about the seasons and the months of the year. This was quite tricky so we will keep practising this in school and at home.

Well done to everyone for trying Seesaw and Sumdog at home this week. Your teachers have particularly enjoyed seeing pictures and videos of your homework shared with us on Seesaw. Look out for next week’s homework and another maths challenge on Sumdog.

Finally, we have had some Halloween fun this week with a themed obstacle course in PE, arts & crafts, dances, emotion spinners and party games in our fantastic costumes!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


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