Primary 5's Week.
Hello everyone! We hope that you are all well and are keeping safe. We are still working hard in our classes and doing all we can also to keep safe including : lots of hand washing, sticking to our own seats, remembering the one way system and going to break and lunch at different times. Easy peasy!
What have we been up to?
Some of us are almost finished reading our chapter books. We read every day in class, sometimes with our groups and with the teacher, sometimes on our own and occasionally in pairs. We have learnt lots of new vocabulary which we hope will enrich our overall skills in literacy. We are continuing to work hard to learn how to spell new words and use the strategies taught in class to help us remember some of the more challenging words.
In maths we have been introduced to some cool songs which are fun and will help us to retain the multiplication facts. The 8 times table song to the tune of ‘Rolling in the Deep’ by Adele is a particular favourite! Our teachers wish that these songs had been around when they were learning their tables.
In science we have been learning about the ‘Water Cycle’ and how condensation and evaporation works. We sometimes take water for granted and we shouldn’t as a lot of work goes into ensuring that the water poured from our tap is safe to drink. We also started a new topic which will run over a few weeks, ‘Natural Disasters and Mining in West Lothian’. We are really looking forward to learning more about mining, as it is such an important part of our history.
In P.E and HWB we completed more fitness circuits this week ad spoke about worries and emotions. We completed our health and wellbeing check in onlne too.
It was P5’s turn to host Mass on zoom this week. We prepared the reading, prayers of the faithful and the repsonsorial psalm. We enjoyed Mass as it gave us a chance to reflect on our week and give thanks to God. A lovely time of our week.
All in all it has been a good week!
Enjoy the weekend.
Mrs Mac and Mrs Kilpatrick.