Primary 7's Wonderful Week
This week we’ve been learning…
We did a story about the Curse of Cogston House – it was a horror story. We started by creating our own plans. We had to use similes and metaphors. We had to use lots of adjectives. We had to describe all of our senses. We had to create a scary setting.
We learned about Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We learned what they did for other people. Matthew started off as a tax collector and made the first Gospel. Mark crossed the sea to tell others about Jesus. John was very young when he became an apostle.
Maths and Numeracy
We had to think of 4 different strategies to answer subtraction calculations. We played an online game – it was a clock that had letters on it and we had to use clues to solve the problem.
Outdoor Challenges
We made a portrait of ourselves or another person using twigs and leaves. We made dens for a little toy – the toy had to fit inside and be protected. We made a number square with chalk and sticks (3×3) and all of the numbers had to add to 15. We made the alphabet out of things we found outdoors.
We all had a lovely week!