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Fun in P3/2

We have had another busy and fun week. Keep reading to find out more.

  • We have read more of Matilda. We know that she had magical super powers. We thought about what we would do with Matilda’s powers when we were feeling different emotion. For example, if we were angry we might use her powers to break something. We talked lots about different emotions and why they are important.
  • We thought about Matilda’s parents and how they were quite mean to her.  We think Matilda should be nurtured by a kind parent.  We labelled and drew pictures of Mrs Wormwood.
  • We were learning about place value.  We know that hundreds, tens and ones are.  We played different games to practise making the numbers.  We used the deans material and played a matching ice cream game.
  • We played a game to see how many words we could make from another word.  It was tricky.
  • With Ms Gilmore we created a collage using different types of paper and shapes.
  • We have been practising the Hail Mary Prayer prayer this week.
  • We looked at some tricky words and tried different techniques to spell them. We tried rainbow writing, bubble writing and dotted writing.
  • We thought about making good and bad choices and why it is important to make good choices.
  • We made predictions this week in Literacy.  We watched a clip of a boat sailing and where we thought about who we thought was in the boat and where we thought it was going.  Then we watched the end to see if we were correct. We know that when we make a prediction we might not always be correct.

What a busy week!

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