Another Busy Week in P3!
This week in P3 we have been learning:
- In Maths, we have began to learn about place value. We have been learning to read and write 3 digit numbers (using hundreds, tens and ones). We also had a go at building numbers using Dienes materials which helped us to see how many hundreds, tens and ones. We did some Maths outside by clapping 3 digit numbers and our partner guessed what number we had made. We learned the importance of zero as a place holder.
- In Literacy, we have been learning about prediction. We know that a prediction is where you make a guess. We had a go at predicting what would happen in a story called ‘Little Boat’ and we enjoyed finding out if we got the right answers.
- In our topic ‘Matilda’ we learned all about Matilda’s parents. We had a think about the qualities that she had. We learned about what parents have to do to look after us and keep us safe.
- In RERC, we have been reflecting on our choices that we make. We discussed the difference between good choices and bad choices. We now know how we can help others with our actions.
- In Art, we continued our learning about the artist Kandinsky. This week we looked at another piece of art he created and we had a go at creating our own shape collages.
- In Music and Drama we learned all about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We completed different tasks to deepen our understanding.