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Primary 7's Wicked Week

Check out our week… We’ve learned lots!


We’ve been learning about poetry through the poem MacCavity. We heard a song that goes along with it – it’s from Cats the musical movie 2019. We drew MacCavity and we labelled our pictures using similies and metaphors from the poem.  We also learned about proper nouns, bossy verbs and common nouns. We enjoyed learning this very much!

Maths and Numeracy

We’ve been revising the 6,7,8 and 9 times table. It’s helped us get better with recalling these tables. We’ve also been learning about prime numbers – you can only divide them by itself and 1! In Number talks we’ve been learning partitioning and compensation. We are improving every day!

Expressive Arts

We did some Autumn art and examined Autumn colours and the change in trees losing their leaves. We did drama and music through Charlie and the chocolate factory. We learned about analysing a character and created a role on the wall for Charlie. We also began to learn about soundtracks and how these impact the atmosphere, mood and genre.

We hope you enjoy seeing our work. We are looking forward to next week :)!

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