Primary 4's Weekly Reflections
Primary 4 have been impressing their teachers again with lots of great effort and work on Teams this week! Well done everyone.
In Numeracy we have been learning the 7 times table and stretching our brain with different number challenges. We have also enjoyed active learning tasks around right angle turns. Some children sent us video clips of them following instructions to make different quarter turns to the right. Very impressive!
In Literacy we have learned to spell the names of different European countries and have placed them on the map. In writing we pretended we were owners of a 5 star hotel and created persuasive posters for Ed Sheeran to come and stay! We enjoyed reading the first chapter of JK Rowling’s new book, ‘The Ickabog’, and developed our skills in making notes and organising information under different headings.
We had lots of fun on Thursday when we went on a ‘virtual’ class trip to Edinburgh Zoo! All of our activities were based around buying entry tickets, visiting Penguin Rock, researching different zoo animals and creating animal masks to wear. We even visited the online shop and chose a ‘zoovenir’ to buy.
Here are some reflections from our P4 children:
“The tricky part was the right angles and the easy part was reading ‘The Ickabog’.”
“I enjoyed learning about all the animals of Edinburgh Zoo because all the activities were fun.”
“I enjoyed learning the 7 times table because I didn’t know it but now I do.”
“My favourite thing was learning about the European countries – now I know how to spell their names, where they are on the map and what their capitals are.”
“My learning in Numeracy this week can help me work out my change when I go to the shops for juice and sweets.”
“I enjoyed reading the first chapter of ‘The Ickabog’.”
“I really enjoyed researching koalas as they are my favourite animal.”
“I enjoyed the Health and Wellbeing PE challenge because I love gymnastics.”