Primary 6 Home Learning Week 8
Primary 6 have been very busy this week with our online learning.
Maths – Coordinates and Symmetry The children have been learning about Coordinates :- X and Y axis, points on the grid and reading coordinates to help us use maps and find places. The children have also been learning about Symmetry:- Finding lines of symmetry, how some shapes have more than one line of symmetry and some items have no lines of symmetry at all. The children had fun trying out their knowledge on maps and rangoli patterns.
Literacy – Instructional Writing The children really do enjoy writing and this week they learned about Instructional Writing. We reminded them that Imperative Verbs (bossy verbs) need to be used e.g. Stir, Mix, Put etc. We also showed the children how the writing should be laid out – in two parts using sub-headings; the first part for the list of items needed and the second part for the detailed steps on how to do the activity. The children enjoyed writing an instruction on how to make a sandwich with great results! There was an additional challenge at the end for the children to ask someone at home to follow their instructions to the word. Well done, Primary 6.
Science – Pollination – Primary 6 have been learning about how important insects are in pollination and about the male and female parts of a flower. They then went onto learn about different insects and animals that are pollinators and what would happen if there was no pollination. The children created some great Sway and Powerpoints presentations sharing the dangers that bees face and how our world would change without them.
Spanish The children watched a video that showed how Spanish children celebrate their birthdays. They learned how to sing Happy Birthday in Spanish “Feliz Cumpleaños” and then created their own Spanish birthday cards with a special message in Spanish. Bien hecho, Primary 6!
Drama The children used a clip of a Doctor Who episode to take notes on character traits for three characters. They then went onto writing their own scene for a new episode of Doctor Who and they typed their scripts up. Great work, Primary 6.
Well done Primary 6! We are very proud of your dedication to completing your tasks and thank you to our supportive parents too.