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Busy Week in P1!

Primary one have been busy this week working hard in the sunshine! Here are some of the things we have been up to :

  • In numeracy we have been learning about the connection between addition and subtraction. We are beginning to apply what we have learned to word problems.
  • In writing we have started to look at functional writing and this week we wrote instructions. It was a little different to the personal and imaginative writing we are used to.
  • In literacy we read some new stories and answered some comprehension questions to help us better understand them.
  • Our new Topic is going really well and the boys and girls have been feeding back how much they are enjoying it.  This week we were learning about the Stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus Rex!
  • We enjoyed this weeks stem challenge of creating new beds for our toys. We had to think really carefully about how heavy our toys would be and what materials would be strong enough to use.

Well Done Primary 1!


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