Another Fantastic Week in P4!
Primary 4 have had another fun-filled week with lots of activities to keep them busy at home. In Literacy we revised homophones, especially ‘to’, ‘too’ and ‘two’. We also enjoyed some performance poetry by Michael Rosen. This one was called ‘Chocolate Cake’. Yum! He brought the poem to life by using onomatopoeia, so we learned a little about this too.
In Numeracy we revised fractions and applied our knowledge of division to find fractions of money. We also had fun creating our own Tangrams online!
Some children got creative with their food this week and made pieces of art with their meals or snacks! Others followed drawing tutorials online and improved their skills.
On Sunday it will be the Feast of Pentecost so we have discussed how the Disciples might have felt when the Holy Spirit came down upon them like tongues of fire. Some of our P4 children would have been celebrating their First Holy Communion this weekend and are feeling sad that they cannot. We look forward to the time when we can all celebrate with them.
Primary 4 have reflected on their learning this week. Here is what they had to say.
“The food creation was my favourite. I made a banana car and it was funny.”
“I liked the maths because you can use fractions for slicing a piece of cake or pizza.”
“I enjoyed the onomatopoeia song!”
“I like performance poetry because I found it really fun!”
“Fractions are useful in everyday life, for example when telling the time.”
“This week I had fun making the sunburst painting and I put it on my window so now my room is colourful.”
“I like watching Newsround.”
“I enjoyed fractions. It was hard to start with but I got the hang of it in the end.”