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Primary 6 - Week 6 Home Learning

Primary 6 have been very busy this week with our online learning.

Numeracy – Angles.  The pupils have been learning about Angles and how to recognise a Right, Obtuse and an Acute angle.  They have also looked at estimating angles and calculating angles on a straight line.  To add some real life context, they had a task to look at jobs that use angles, such as, architects, engineers, doctors and athletes and write about a day in the working life of that person using angles in their work.  Well done P6!

Literacy – Recount Writing.  The children really do enjoy writing and this week they learned about Recount writing – retelling or recounting an event or experience in a factual or imaginative way.  We watched a video of author Michael Rosen talking about this style of writing then the children were asked to do their own using a famous Battle from their Scottish Wars of Independence topic and writing about the final day of that war in the eyes of a soldier.  Some excellent writing with lots of historical fact and chronological order.  Well done, Primary 6!!

Scottish Wars of Independence Topic – Primary 6 researched uniform and weapons of a soldier in the 1300s and compared this to a solider of today.  They also learned about the Battle of Bannockburn and the Declaration of Arbroath.

Music – Flower of Scotland.  The children were learning about the meaning of our national song and how this is linked to both the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 and our national flower, the thistle.  The pupils were asked to read about this with support through website links.  They were also asked to learn the song and some talented P6s provided videos of this at the end of their learning.  Well done!

Health & Wellbeing – Challenge Your Mindset.  The children were learning about fixed and growth mindsets and we used the storybook, The Dot, to think about the character’s journey from a fixed to a growth mindset.  The pupils also had the task of looking at photos of themselves as babies and thinking about how much they have achieved since then.  Some created some lovely narratives about this journey.

Well done Primary 6! We are very proud of your dedication to completing your tasks and thank you to our supportive parents too.


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