Primary 1 Weekly Update - W.C 11.5.20
Primary 1 have had another busy week working hard from home. Here is what we have been up to:
In numeracy we have been revising our knowledge of subtraction and learning how a number line can help us with this. We completed 2 Sumdog challenges and made posters to show our learning.
In writing we have been learning to write a recount of a story we have heard. We know that it is important to listen carefully and check our writing to make sure the events are in the right order.
In reading we have been learning to read non-fiction passages for information. We used the information to answer questions about what we had read. Lot’s of us also managed to complete our phonics challenge on Sumdog where we were learning about the sound ‘ing’.
This week we also started a brand new exciting topic all about dinosaurs! We learned when they lived, what they ate and the names (which are tricky for us to spell) of lots of different kinds of dinosaur!
Well done Primary one, another super week!
Miss McKeown & Mrs Gardiner