Primary 5's Week
Hello Everyone!
P5 have had another good week working hard at home and posting work for us to see. Mrs Kilpatrick and I continue to be very proud at how well you are all doing , thank you for working hard!
In literacy the children have worked hard on their new set of spelling words, writing them in all different ways including, bubble writing, rainbow writing and used them to make a pairs game and also a wordsearch. They have continued to practise their listening skills using David Walliam’s daily stories and learnt how the meanings of words can be changed by adding a prefix.
Lots of super stories were written this week using the story starters that we provided. What great imaginations P5 have ! It was nice to see that lots of the children used exciting vocabulary and some similes, very well done !
In numeracy P5 consolidated their skills on a few different concepts, including: time, money, rounding and fractions. More ‘Number Talks’ were tackled and lots of calculations solved using a number of different strategies including: chunking, friendly numbers, compensation and partitioning.
In R.E the children were encouraged to pray especially hard to Mary. They were also asked to choose their favourite Saint and make a Powerpoint or Sway presentation. Saints Andrew and Patrick are very popular!
P5 learnt about more famous people including: Joseph Lister. Following on from learning all about him they conducted our own science experiment using water, soap and pepper. This experiment was useful as it reminded the children of the importance of handwashing to keep those germs away. The children also conducted a food science experiment by making soda bread. Having looked at the pictures we can see that there are a few chefs in the making as they looked delicious!
P5 have also used skills learnt in STEM to make their own musical instrument. Lots of cool and noisy instruments were made and some boys and girls even attached a sound file to their work so that we could listen to them, fantastic!
All in all it has been a productive week!
Here is what some of the lovely P5’s have said about their learning this week:
‘I have enjoyed the Brainteasers’.
‘I have enjoyed my chanter lesson and listening to David Waliams’.
‘I have enjoyed doing activities like making an instrument and doing art, it’s my favourite thing to do’.
‘I like doing the maths because it was sometimes hard and sometimes easy and it gave me a challenge’.
Here are some examples of their work.