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P2 Home Learning Week 6

This week we had lots of exciting activities to do…

In maths, we were learning about Data Handling. We have completed different types of graphs/charts, extracted key information from graphs to answer questions and took part in a Data Handling Sumdog challenge.

In literacy, we have been learning the difference between Fact and Opinion. We know that a fact is known to be true and an opinion is what someone believes.

We were learning to write character descriptions. We completed a character description about a witch using lots of different    adjectives.

To develop our Spanish we used a video from YouTube to teach us how to say different greetings. Later we revised them with an adult.

We started a new topic this week called Living Things. We learned the difference between Living and Non-Living things. Living things are alive e.g. plants, people, animals and non-living things are objects/ items for example, door, table, TV, tablets.

We also learned about what Living things need to be able to survive. We know that living things need: Food, Water, Air, Shelter and Sunlight.

This month is the month of Mary. We have been practising saying the Hail Mary and are going to say it every day for the month of May. We also watched a video to learn more about Mary.

As part of our resilience topic, we were looking at respecting ourselves. With our families we discussed our strengths and qualities, if there were similarities and differences between us and why everyone can’t be good at everything. We then shared something that we would like to improve on.

This week we worked on our fitness by doing a ‘What’s your name?’ workout. We had to do a different exercise for every letter of our name.

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