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P4's short week learning from home!

Primary 4 really enjoyed the long weekend and back on Wednesday ready to learn! This week they practised spelling common words, possessive pronouns, they told us all about their weekend in their ‘weekend news’, did some work on division and explored how capacity is used around us. They have also been busy with their First Holy Communion preparation and joined the P4 Playground group on Teams, where they will be able to catch up with each other.  This is what our P4s said about their week:

– I have enjoyed finding out how many litres and millilitres something holds. I have used this to  work out how many litres of water I drink in a day.

– I learned about VE Day which stands for Victory in Europe. This is when the Second World war finished.

– Have enjoyed finding things in the kitchen cupboards for maths. I know how much is in a bottle now, because I can read the measurements on the label.

– In literacy we learned grammar and spelling which is necessary for good writing.

– I enjoyed learning spelling because I am getting better at my words.


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