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Our Weekly Learning (w.b. 27.4.20)

Hello everyone, we hope you are all keeping safe and well. Thank you for sending in all of your home learning pictures this week. You are all superstars for working so hard and it looks like you’re having great fun too!

  • In Maths, we have learned about symmetry. We know that pictures and everyday objects have lines of symmetry. We also created our own symmetrical pictures and went on a symmetry hunt in our homes, gardens and local area. We had a go at some Number Talks, practising our removal strategy to help us with subtraction.
  • In Literacy, we had to choose some of our trickiest words from our previous spelling lists and practise spelling them in different ways. We used a film of our choice for a comprehension task and learned a little about the 3 S’s and the 3 C’s. These helped us to make some notes about our film. We wrote imaginative stories about children who were off school- we had to use what we already knew about stories to help us with this. We did some reading for enjoyment too.
  • In Social Studies, we continued our learning on climate zones. We researched a tropical climate zone and made some notes about where it was in the world, who lives there, the weather and what we thought the advantages/disadvantages of living there would be. We researched animals that live in each layer of the rainforest. We researched climate change, how it affects us now and in the future.
  • In RERC, we learned about Holy Week. We learned that this is the final week of Lent where we learn about the lead up to Jesus’ death on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday.
  • In Art, we used our knowledge of tropical climate zones to draw a picture of a tropical animal. We thought about our art elements of line, colour, shape, form and texture.
  • In Science, we continued our Water topic. We had a go at completing an experiment to investigate which materials dissolve and which do not.
  • In Technologies, we had to design an invention which would help us to combat climate change.
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