Primary 4's Home Learning Reflections
This week in Primary 4 all the children have been working very hard as usual. Their digital technology skills are improving everyday and they are sharing their brilliant work with their teachers through Teams.
We have enjoyed active spelling activities and P.E. challenges, as well as practising subtraction strategies and learning more about weight in Maths. Our Famous Scot this week was Charles Rennie Mackintosh and some children enjoyed drawing their own ‘Mackintosh Rose’. Every week children in Primary 4 are improving their writing skills through ‘Weekend News’ and story writing tasks. Well done boys and girls! We have finished our week by praying a Hail Mary as today is the 1st of May (the month of Mary).
Here are some Friday Reflections from our P4 pupils:
“I enjoyed learning about art because I can get better at drawing and making posters.”
“I learned new number talk strategies and how to write in paragraphs.”
“I enjoyed learning about plurals because it’s really fun.”
“This week I got more confident with subtraction strategies. I think the formal strategy works best for me.”
“I can use what I learned about weight when i’m baking.”
“The Maths quizzes were really fun.”
“I found the subtraction sums hard to start then it was easy.”
“I have been enjoying Health and Wellbeing because it’s really fun.”
“I enjoyed mindfulness because it’s relaxing and it makes me calm.”