P6's Week of Learning
This was a short week for us, but we still managed to do so much. In our Math’s lessons we continued to look at budgeting, it can be tricky, but we feel that we are able to work on a budget now. We also did Number Talks, focussing on subtraction strategies, for example Re-ordering, Adding Up and Adjusting for Easier Numbers. We name the strategies used and we explain what strategy worked best for us. Problem Solving with Mrs Heather was fun; we did some IZAC 9 activities.
In Literacy, we looked at Facts or Opinions. This could be quite tricky until we came up with a definition to help us. We decided that for a statement to be a fact then it needed evidence and proof, otherwise it was just someone’s opinion. In handwriting, we practiced our cursive joins.
We studied the different parts of a plant and their functions in science and then we looked into our new topic ‘Our Democracy’. We stared to write a glossary for this, as there are a lot of specific vocabulary to this subject. It will be very interesting to find out how the Scottish Parliament works and what powers Westminster holds. We are interested to find out what all the different roles are and how we vote; some of us might even become politicians one day!
We continued to look at the technique of ‘One Point Perspective’ in Art. This week we captured a city scene. It took a lot of effort to capture the illusion of a city scene disappearing into a horizon point! PE was fun too, we were running, throwing and jumping within various athletic tasks.
In P6 this week, we started another new topic, ‘God’s Loving Plan’, this involved a lot of discussion and we have some homework to do too. It will be interesting to find out what we were like as babies; to remind ourselves of what we liked and did not like when we were really young.
All in all, it was a great week for learning.