Another busy week in P1- please read what we have learnt recently.
Just like every Monday, we wrote our weekend news, beginning it with: At the weekend I… We tried to remember what we were doing over the weekend and we remembered about all the success criteria: capital letters when needed, finger spaces, full stops and of course a connective ‘and’ – easy peasy :-). We also recapped our knowledge about the sound ‘igh’ by writing some words with it: e.g. right, light, night etc. We have made more posters persuading about the dangerous litter in the sea and practised writing sentences that our teachers dictated to us.
We were counting forwards and backwards from a given number. We were practising to work out the number before/after/between and we were counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s and recalled double facts up to 20. We were learning about big, small, bigger, smaller, biggest, smallest. It was good fun! We learnt how to use non-standard units to measure objects.
Topic – Under the Sea
More sea creatures- a ‘Star Fish’ this week. We know many facts about starfish and how to draw this beautiful animal.
We learnt about the Last Supper – which was the day before Jesus Christ died on the cross. We know now that the Last Supper was a feast that Jesus had with his disciples and one of them (called Judas Iscariot) betrayed Jesus. Yesterday, we learnt about St Patrick who is a very famous and great saint as well as the patron saint of Ireland.
Have a great weekend everyone!
P1 Teachers.