Primary 1's Week. Week beginning, 28th of February.
Read on to find out all about our super week!
We learnt how to create a new style of writing this week called persuasive writing. We learnt that there are certain words that can be used when we are trying to persuade someone to do something or NOT do something, eg ; PLEASE, DO, REMEMBER, STOP, NO and DON’T. We used some of these words to design posters reminding everyone of the school rules. To make our posters look nice and to make the writing stand out we made our writing BIG and BOLD.
We also participated in lots of fun activities to celebrate ‘Book Week’. We made bookmarks, dressed up as our favourite book characters, wrote book reviews and created a front cover and title based on the mystery book that our teachers read to us. We decorated our classroom doors too in homage of our favourite books. We have had such a lot of fun!
We focussed on halves and quarters this week. We learnt that finding half of an amount means to have two equal groups. We also learnt that we can use our double facts to help us. For example, 4+4=8, so half of 8 =4.
We learnt all about Shrove Tuesday and this day’s traditions. We learnt that this day is the last day before Lent and a day which can feast on pancakes. On this day we had delicious pancakes, Some had syrup, some had jam. We also go messy, (this was great) when we made mud pancakes.
We also learnt all about Ash Wednesday which is the start of Lent. Lent is the time before Easter. We learnt that on Ash Wednesday we are called to go to Church to get our ashes .On this day grown-ups should fast and think about the things that they can do to show Jesus how much they love him. We spoke about what extra things we can do during Lent and changed our classroom altar cloth to purple as purple signifies the start of Lent.
We drew sea horses for our display in class and spoke more about how we can look after the seas. We learnt that we all have a special job to do to look after our world, just as God wants us too and by taking our litter home with us when we go to the beach is a super start.